Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's a low country boil at tailgateuga this weekend under the oak trees on Lumpkin, the newly found tailgate spot. The Keating's will be making their famous jambalaya, and chef Dave will be working on the rest of the menu. Come early, as the TENN weekend is always an early start. If any of those TENN fans are attending tailgateuga this weekend, please encourage them to bring their own tables, as we aren't removing red ones for their orange puke. See you on Saturday. GO DAWGS!!


The Titan of Tailgating said...

Great location! THANKS again Barry 2.0 & Dave for getting us set up.

Well said Barry! I hate that orange too.

As for food, Keating's jambalaya and "The Boil" will serve around 12:30. Others please bring usual appetizers and items for the grill.

Looking forward to sending Ol' Fulmer back to Rocky Top with a big L!

See ya Saturday - GO DAWGS!

Sharon said...

Hey guys,
The Keatings are going to have to bring the jambalaya to another game. We have way too much wedding stuff going on to get there this weekend. Sorry, but i promise to make it for the next game we come to. We won't be at Vandy but the one after that. If anyone is heading to LSU give us a call and we can get together there!